
About the types of scams Toto site fixers use

About the types of scams Toto site fixers use



What is a fixer?

Generally speaking, a fixer is to provide a specific member with results Toto site fixers use

such as sports games, mini games, and power balls and casino games 먹튀검증

Some members have little doubt about the information they get from these fixers

There are members who bet big money without analyzing it at all

It’s because you trust the fixer that much

There are many kinds of picksters, but there are professional pickers, of course

We’re going to pretend to be a fixer and provide the members with photos of the fabricated evidence

There’s also a pickster who’s engaged in fraud

If you want to follow a really reliable fixer, you can use it

How aggressively you invest your time to provide useful information analysis

It’s important to find out



The reason why there are so many fixers

To provide normal information to the members by analyzing the competition professionally

Fixers exist, but most of them have been determined to be fraudulent

Most of the people who impersonate a picker for fraudulent purposes have analyzed the information

Based on the analysis by professional fixers, we can provide it to the copy members

Most photos of evidence of returns and hits are photoshopped

It’s to gain trust from the members and gain their own profits

The part where Picksters benefit

Except for professional fixers, most people impersonate fixers in their family rooms

It attracts many members by promoting it in Toto community and SNS

Most of the information about PICK is not reliable at all, and they receive information,

Even if you bet, you can’t predict the chance of hitting the mark

Even with a high hit rate, the picker has only one purpose

I’m going to ask many members to join my Toto site

I’m going to make Toto bet

The reason is that if you lose money by betting on your Toto site,

Get down, so get the proceeds of a part of the fee.

Technical fixes using batting from a good experience, but try.

I encourage you to a batting go to the analysis you yourself were.

Never can to create a rate of return on other people will always ensure that no.

In one corner of the end, where there is no choice but to take profits, and fixes using the site.

At first, gloomy in the long run may be able to benefit results will become a reality.